Friday, November 29, 2013

Mighty Mushroom

Autumn rains give rise to a multitude of toadstools. Many species of mushroom seem to appear overnight. Although seen as plants by many, mushrooms are actually the reproductive bodies of fungi and thus not plants at all. All fungi belong to a large group of eukaryotic organisms that also includes microorganisms (yeast and molds), separate from plants animals, bacteria and protists like algae. Genetic research has shown that fungi are closely related to animals and not to plants! Information I won't share with my vegetarian friends by the way...

The word mushroom or toadstool is applied by most only to the fleshy spore bearing part of the fungus. Most of these are known as agaric mushrooms, recognisable by their stem (or stipe), a cap (or pileus) and gills (lamellae). These form the quintessential toadstools of fairytales.

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